[cjtoolbox name=”Paper Kit – JS”][/cjtoolbox]
Included with the email of your manuscript’s acceptance are the reviewers’ comments on your paper. You may make minor revisions to your paper in light of these comments prior to the upload of your final, publication-ready manuscript. However, please note that you cannot make substantive text changes to the body of the original reviewed paper. We reserve the option to use the accepted version of your paper if we feel that the updated version differs substantially from what the reviewers accepted. In any event, the revised paper has a maximum length of 4 pages, plus an optional fifth page for references only, and must follow the format detailed in the Paper Kit.
Your final, publication-ready manuscript must be uploaded in the form of a PDF that is fully compliant with IEEE Xplore. In order to ensure Xplore-compliancy, you must use IEEE PDF eXpress® to either
- convert your manuscript from its original source form into an Xplore-compliant PDF, or
- check your manuscript’s PDF to verify compliance with IEEE Xplore
by following these steps:
- Create an IEEE PDF eXpress® account, entering basic contact information; use “17529X” for the Conference ID when prompted (you will receive an email confirmation of account creation)
- Upload a PDF for compatibility checking or source file(s) for conversion to a compatible PDF (you will receive email confirmation of file receipt)
- Submitted PDFs are checked for compatibility with IEEE Xplore; source file(s) are converted to PDFs that are compatible with IEEE Xplore
- If a PDF is submitted, you will receive an email stating that the PDF either passed or failed the check. If the PDF fails, a PDF Check report is attached to the email. Once you log into your account, click “Understanding the PDF Check Report” for solutions.
- If a document source is submitted, you will receive the IEEE PDF eXpress®-generated PDF as an attachment (the PDF will also be available within your IEEE PDF eXpress® account). Review the PDF to ensure that it views on screen and prints as you intended.
If necessary, revisions may be submitted (PDF or source) by following the upload procedure for the revised files. Detailed instruction for the check procedure can be found here.
Important: Ensure that there are no grammatical, spelling, or content errors in manuscripts prior to submitting to PDF eXpress, as any changes subsequent to the compatibility check or document conversion could result in a PDF that is incompatible with IEEE Xplore.
When you have an acceptable, IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF, you must upload this final PDF to EDAS, as well as submit the electronic copyright form. To upload the IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF of the final paper, follow these steps:
- Log into the EDAS system
- Select “My papers” in the menu bar
- Click the © symbol to complete the electronic copyright form; on the subsequent page, click the “IEEE Copyright Submission” button which will take you to the IEEE eCopyright system wherein you will complete the eCopyright form (see the IEEE eCopyright FAQ for more information)
- Once you are returned to the EDAS system from the eCopyright system, click on the “Upload manuscript” icon (
) of the paper you want to upload and follow the instructions. As a first step, you will need to name the presenter of your paper before uploading the PDF.
Note that completion of the electronic copyright form is mandatory for your paper to be included in the technical program.
The deadline for the upload of final, publication-ready manuscripts to EDAS is June 8, 2014. Note that papers will not be accepted—nor will changes to previously uploaded papers be permitted—after this deadline.
At least one author must be registered for the conference at a non-student rate; failure to have such registration by the author-registration deadline will result in removal of the paper from the Technical Program. Register at http://www.icip2014.org/registration/.